Resilience Beyond Borders: The Journey of Nasruddin Gladeema

May 3, 2024 by
Resilience Beyond Borders: The Journey of Nasruddin Gladeema

In 2009, Nasruddin Gladeema arrived in Europ with a dream in his heart and a determination to carve out a new path for himself as an IT Entrepreneur. However, what followed was not a smooth journey. Nasruddin spent six arduous years navigating the complex asylum process in four EU countries before becoming officialy politic refugee in france 2015 , Yet, through it all, his resolve remained unshaken.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding his status, Nasruddin refused to let adversity define him. Instead, he immersed himself in new experiences, eagerly embracing opportunities to learn and grow. From entrepreneurship to IT management, he fearlessly ventured into uncharted territories, each endeavor fueling his passion for innovation and creativity.

Resilience Beyond Borders: The Journey of Nasruddin Gladeema
SDiBC May 3, 2024
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